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About the course
The Artificial Intelligence In Pathology Course is an educational program that includes  both talks and practical sessions in the field of microscopic image processing and analysis using artificial-intelligence based approaches such as convolutional neural networks/ deep learning. It is aimed at pathologists, biologists, clinicians and data scientists.
Depending on their background, participants will be able to select different teaching modules. Participants will conduct an AI based pathology project from start to finish.

The topics covered will be the following:
-Basics of histology, pathology and  cancer staging
-Whole slide images processing 
-Introduction and more advanced sessions on coding  deep learning and  AI computational tools
-Common networks used for AI based pathology
-Assessment of models performance
-Key methodological issues and limitations to consider when designing an AI pathology study



What you should expect from this program


Pathologists, biologists and physicians:

Learn how artificial intelligence technologies work, the main computational tools used in the field, their strengths and weaknesses and how a study involving image analysis should be designed.


Bioinformaticians, data scientists:

Learn the medical basics of histology, pathology, and modern oncology 

Learn basic and advanced AI based approaches to process whole slide images, the required quality standards,  data augmentation and color normalization techniques, the different AI methods for image analysis and how to assess the performance of your models.



Practical details

The course will be in a hybrid format, with online talks and sessions.

The overall program runs over one year, starting January 2022. Several sessions will be organized, for a total of approximately 70 hours.

A 3 days in person session will also be organized in Créteil (Paris region, France). 



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